Set User Roles & Permissions

Set User Roles & Permissions

This feature only applies to the Default Portal Type (Learn more about Portal Types). 

You have the ability to decide whether a user is Account Based (meaning they can see all information related to the Account) or Contact Based (meaning they can see only the information where their contact is looked up.)

There are two steps to make this possible:

Step 1:

In whichever CRM Module this applied to you will need to map the Data Show Relationship for Parent Account and Parent Contact and make sure the Data View Option is set to User Records.

Step 2:

Go to ZPortals > User Management > All Users and find the user you want to set.  Click the Eye Icon to enter into the User's Record.

By Default it will be set to Account Based

From here you can select the User Role as Account Based or Contact Based and you can also set the Permission Level to be Read Only or Read/Write.

When Read/Write it does not include specific fields that have been marked as Read Only. Those field permissions will take priority over this setting.  Read Only will take priority from the User Permission setting overall and ignore any field specific settings.

To learn how to set up more Module specific permissions check out our Profiles and CRM Module Configuration sections.

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