All Users

All Users

This is a list of all Active, Inactive, Unverified and WordPress Users.

The Unverified tab contains the Users that have not yet completed the registration and verified their email.

Selecting the Deactivate button to the right of the User, will add them to the Inactive tab:


You can mass deactivate and delete users by selecting the check box at the top left or selecting multiple users. Once you select at least one option, the "Deactivate" button is activated:

Click into the "Inactive" tab and mass delete to permanently delete the user or reactivate:

The WP Users tab contains a list of all of the existing WordPress users and whether they are users in plugin portal. You can use the "Send Invitation" button to invite the user to the portal plugin.

Note: the user can login with their WordPress credentials once they select "Click Here":

You can edit Active Users by selecting the “Details” button  to the right of their User Role. 

The Admin can trigger a password reset by selecting the “Send New Password” icon. 

Note: to ensure email deliverability, configure SMTP on your Wordpress site. For more information see this article.

User Info

The Name, Email and Username fields are not editable and it is recommended that the email of the Contact not be edited in Zoho CRM.

The User Role value relates to the Data Show Relationship sections of the modules enabled for Zoho CRM, see here.

User’s Profiles can be edited using the Profile field drop down. 

Permission Level

Users can be granted Read Only access to data regardless of the module Action Permission settings enabled in Customization. 

User Quick Links

Website values entered here will appear as User specific menu items.


Note that the setting that controls the verification process is when Auto Approve is selected in the Settings section of User Management.


The Workdrive tab is visible in the User Details when the integration with Zoho Workdrive is activated in Zoho API Settings. See this article for more information on connecting Zoho Workdrive.

Vault Chambers

You can customize access to Zoho Vault chambers by User in this section. Make sure Zoho Vault is integrated with the plugin in Zoho API Settings in order to see available Zoho Vault Chambers for User assignment. See this article for more information on integrating Zoho Vault.

Note that an integration between Zoho CRM and Zoho Vault is not required.

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