Account Manager
This element is useful for displaying the primary contact person that the User will interact with in your organization (equivalent to the Account Owner of the CRM). This feature pulls in the Zoho CRM record owner’s name, phone, email (from their Zoho ...
Quick Links
Add multiple links, external or from the CRM, that your users may find useful or need easy access to. Note that you can only add this element once but add several quick links in one element. On the Dashboard Content or Layout area click Add an ...
iFrames are a popular feature for displaying Analytics dashboards, Creator Forms, internal Wordpress pages or external iFrames provided the external websites permits the URL to be iFramed. You can use iframes both as an element or a Webtab as a menu ...
Video Links
Embed videos for your user to view right within the homepage. Please use embed links On the Dashboard Content or Layout area click Add an Element>Video Link
Text Block
A text block is useful for when you are providing an overview of the portal, want to provide written instructions or to give the user any other pertinent background information. On the Dashboard Content or Layout area click Add an Element>Text ...
Insert an image that runs along the top of the home page, give it a title and select the Account Type (field in Zoho CRM) for whom the banner will display. You can also choose to show different banners based on a picklist field from the CRM as well ...