Notification Setup
Enable Owner Notification for the Zoho CRM record owner to receive an email notification when a client uploads a document.
Enable User Notification for the client to receive notifications when the organization uploads files to their folder.
Enable the option called "Once Per Day Only" to only send email notifications once per user upload, per day.
The Select Module drop down pertains to the module that contains the User information.
For example, if the portal User that should receive document notifications is the Contact, select Contact in the Drop down and in the next Map Your Name Field, map “Full Name” for the Contact’s first and last name.
The Map Your Account Field dropdown values will be dependent on the first Select Module drop down value. If Contacts is selected, Map Your Account Field will contain lookup field values to the Accounts module in the CRM:
The same is true of Map Your Email Field, it will find email fields within the Contact module:

The next set of fields that open up can be used as token values for the customization of the email template and these are in addition to Account Name, Contact Name and Workdrive Link:
In the first row, first column, select the lookup field (these values are dependent on the value in Select Module dropdown above).
In the first row, second column, select the field within that module to use as a merged token value:
Send From
Designate the sender email address from which emails will be sent. This is typically an agnostic persona and the From Email should contain the website’s domain.
Email Template
You can customize the email notification that Users and internal personnel receive:
Refer to this link for email deliverability improvement in Wordpress.